Teaching Technology to Detect Fake News

Stevens Institute of Technology

To improve knowledge, security, and public trust, Yue Ning is using machine learning to uncover the hidden connections that underlie fake news and social media misinformation

Misinformation. Disinformation. Rumors. Fake news.

Twentieth-century advances in digital technology have inexorably transformed the world in which we now live. But the near-instantaneous access to information that exemplifies the 21st Century also brings with it near-instantaneous access to fabrications, distortions, and falsehoods.

Can the selfsame technology exploited to promote and disseminate misleading information online also be used to identify, detect, and ultimately combat the very problem it was used to create?

Stevens Institute of Technology assistant professor of computer science, Yue Ning, has set out to determine just that.

An affiliated faculty member of the Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Ning is working to develop an algorithm that can successfully determine whether content posted online is true—or, more importantly, false. . . .

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